Neutral Host Provider Freshwave Launches Indoor 4G Services From All Four UK Operators

Neutral HostOpen RAN

Freshwave, a UK based neutral host provider, claimed a world’s first with the launch of indoor 4G services from all four UK operators via a combined small cell box.

Neutral hosts provide shared infrastructure for operators. This can be a great way for service providers to extend coverage, without having to invest in additional infrastructure. Use cases include settings where operators either can’t justify the CAPEX, for example in sparsely populated or difficult to access rural communities (Internet Para Todos in Latin America is a great example of this) or for in-building coverage, where installing equipment from multiple operators simply isn’t practical or possible. 

In-building coverage can prove to be quite tricky for mobile operators. Several factors outside of their control can impact the quality of service end users receive. These tend to be issues such as a building’s proximity to one or more cell towers, and the materials used in the construction of the building itself that can actually block the outdoor signal. As a consequence, many indoor spaces can experience connectivity dead zones where user equipment struggles to receive a signal.

Freshwave’s new Omni Network service is one of many solutions looking to address this problem. It’s being built using CommScope’s OneCell, a multi-operator LTE and 5G coverage solution with a simple Wi-Fi-like deployment model. Its open fronthaul access supports third-party O-DUs—an industry first according to CommScope. It allows MNOs to leverage both native small cell and new Open RAN integration options. This is an important point because Open RAN can optimise the business case for small cells, according to a recent report on Neutral Hosts by Analysis Mason.

With all four MNOs contained in one box configured and controlled via its data centre, Omni Network needs less equipment, cabling and corresponding installation according to Freshwave. This means it’s faster to design and deploy. Indeed, the solution boasts some impressive metrics: 

  • Up to 65 per cent lower cost than a legacy, traditional distributed antenna system (DAS), depending on the building size
  • Up to 25 per cent more coverage compared to a traditional small cell
  • Up to 32 per cent more than a low power DAS 
  • Needs a maximum of four units in a rack, freeing up space in the comms room for other uses
  • Suited for sites from 6,000 sq ft upwards and can scale to buildings of 350,000 sq ft or more

Finally, because Omni Network connects via agreed operator technical specifications, it allows Freshwave to provide customers with additional network statistics and visibility of what’s happening on the mobile network in their building. The data includes information such as traffic volume, number of users and calls, data upload and download.

Simon Frumkin, Freshwave’s CEO, said: “Omni Network extends in-building mobile connectivity to a wider range of organisations than ever before thanks to our team’s technical innovation. As the only company in the UK able to offer Omni Network, we’re looking forward to the benefits it will bring to our customers across the public and private sector. We’re grateful to all the UK mobile operators for their collaboration which made Omni Network possible.”